Answer Phone in English
This service is not available in all areas and cannot be used on all telephones to check if you can use this service in your area and with your phone you must first activate the service. Pick up your receiver and press * 10 # replace your receiver. Your answering
machine (if available) should now be activated. To check this pick up your receiver and wait about 5-10 seconds. If the service has been activated you should hear a lady speaking (in Spanish of course) this means that the service is available to you if not ring telefonica on 1004.
Pick up the receiver and wait 5-10seconds until the lady stops speaking………………………………………….press the number 1 on your phone
When she stops speaking again ………………….press 4
When she stops speaking again………………… 0000
(See * below)
When she stops speaking again ………………….press 1
When she stops speaking again ………………….press
1 for English 2 for French 3 for German
To confirm the chosen language press. ……………Press 1 when she stops speaking
Replace receiver when she finishes talking. To test that you have done all correct just pick up your receiver and wait 5-10 seconds for her to start talking hopefully in chosen language
To de-activate the service pick up the receiver and press #10# to reactivate *10# you can do this as often as you wish.
* Your personal code - this has been installed as 0000 but you can if you wish change this
To pick up messages just lift the receiver and wait for 5-10secs if there are no messages you will be told there are no messages. To hear a message again press 1 press 2 to save the message or 3 to erase the massage. Any problems call telafonica on 1004(free phone) for help and advice.
Telefonica´s free phone number 1004 (English speakers are available)
machine (if available) should now be activated. To check this pick up your receiver and wait about 5-10 seconds. If the service has been activated you should hear a lady speaking (in Spanish of course) this means that the service is available to you if not ring telefonica on 1004.
Pick up the receiver and wait 5-10seconds until the lady stops speaking………………………………………….press the number 1 on your phone
When she stops speaking again ………………….press 4
When she stops speaking again………………… 0000
(See * below)
When she stops speaking again ………………….press 1
When she stops speaking again ………………….press
1 for English 2 for French 3 for German
To confirm the chosen language press. ……………Press 1 when she stops speaking
Replace receiver when she finishes talking. To test that you have done all correct just pick up your receiver and wait 5-10 seconds for her to start talking hopefully in chosen language
To de-activate the service pick up the receiver and press #10# to reactivate *10# you can do this as often as you wish.
* Your personal code - this has been installed as 0000 but you can if you wish change this
To pick up messages just lift the receiver and wait for 5-10secs if there are no messages you will be told there are no messages. To hear a message again press 1 press 2 to save the message or 3 to erase the massage. Any problems call telafonica on 1004(free phone) for help and advice.
Telefonica´s free phone number 1004 (English speakers are available)
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