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Costa del Crime

British woman has been stabbed to death on the doorstep of her home in Spain.

A British woman has been stabbed to death on the doorstep of her home in Spain.
Marilyn Wilson, 55, was attacked around 8am today as she left her house in the village of Fuente el Saz del Jarama near Madrid.
Police found her lying unconscious with several stab wounds to her chest and abdomen after racing to the scene with paramedics.

She was stabilised at the scene but died in hospital shortly afterwards.
Police are hunting her ex-boyfriend, who had allegedly been lying in wait for her and it is claimed was spotted running from the murder scene across nearby countryside.
Ms Wilson victim reportedly took out a restraining order against the 55-year-old Spaniard last July after he beat her up.
Detectives had been making regular visits to the Brit expat but insisted she had not voiced any concerns.
A spokesman for the Guardia Civil in Madrid said: 'The victim died in hospital after being stabbed outside her home.
'The man we are hunting is her ex-boyfriend, a 55-year-old Spaniard who we think had been lying in wait for her and was seen running from the murder scene.
'We believe he may be hiding out in countryside near the scene of the crime.
'A helicopter is searching for him from the air and several police units are looking for him on the ground.

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