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More than half a million high-quality counterfeit euro banknotes have been seized by Bulgarian police following a joint operation with Europol.

Six suspects were arrested following the raids on May 13 at print shops in Plovdiv and Parvomay. The fake notes were mainly distributed to countries in Western Europe, Europol said in a statement.

Director of Europol Rob Wainwright said: "I am pleased to see that, through international cooperation, we were once again able to hit some advanced criminal structures. The disruption of this organised crime group is a very significant hit against euro counterfeiting."

The police operation involved teams in Bulgaria and Spain and at Europol and Eurojust. Europol coordinated and financed operational meetings as well as giving analytical and technical support. Its statement said the operation was an "important contribution to the protection of the euro."

Wainwright added: "The success of this operation was made possible because of the excellent work of the Bulgarian authorities and their cooperation with Europol and other partners." He has since visited Bulgaria and congratulated the authorities there.

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