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The body of the 17 year old who was killed in January 2009 has never been found

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 del Castillo - EFE

The judge instructing the Marta del Castillo case, the 17 year old girl who was assassinated in Sevilla in January 2009, has asked the prosecutor if it is worth continuing to search for her body.

A search was carried out in the Ruta del Agua between Castilleja de Guzmán y Camas, and a search in the Guadalquiver lasted for months. There was also a long and complicated search at the Sevilla rubbish tip.

Sources close to the case have said the judge in instruction court 4 has posed the question after receiving a police report, the contents of which have not been released.

The case was closed on January 13 this year with a 20 year sentenced handed down on the self-confessed killer, Miguel Carcaño. 

The Sevilla court, in that sentence, rejected a request to get Carcaño to meet the costs of the search for the body, put at 616,319 €.

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