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Police close shop selling illegal substances in Alicante

An establishment in Alicante has been closed by the National Police after it was discovered herbs, pills and powders prohibited in Spain were for sale. 500grams of different herbs, some of them treated and 100 grams of different powders. They advertised their products in student circles and compared their effects to ecstasy, speed, cocaine and marihuana. 1,500 € in cash was also impounded. A report from the Spanish Agency of Medicaments and Health Products has said that the items sold in the Alicante shop could cause serious damage to health. They said the effects of such products are in part unknown in the short, medium and long term. There is evidence however that those who take them can suffer insomnia, loss of appetite, dizziness, increased blood pressure and dilated pupils among other symptoms which can reach anxiety and paranoia. Investigations continue and, following the detention of the shopkeeper, more arrests have not been ruled out.

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