Loan shark told to pay back £1m loot | The Sun |News
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Labels: £26 , 000 cash found at the house , his horses , his Porsche sports car , his quad bikes and luxury jewellery , luxury villa in Spain
Labels: £26 , 000 cash found at the house , his horses , his Porsche sports car , his quad bikes and luxury jewellery , luxury villa in Spain

Loan shark told to pay back £1m loot | The Sun |News: "TWISTED loan shark who raped and forced women to work as prostitutes if they could not meet their payments was today ordered to pay back almost £1MILLION of his ill-gotten gains.
Paul Nicholson, 40, threatened his hard-up clients with knuckle-dusters and a baseball bat to create a climate of fear as he charged them up to 150 percent interest.
And some women who owed money were offered the option of 'payment in kind' through sexual favours to Nicholson - or working in topless bars or as vice girls to meet the weekly payments.
But today the former nightclub bouncer was ordered to surrender almost £1 million worth of assets at a confiscation hearing at Warrington Crown Court, Cheshire.
These include the capital from his sprawling mansion in Delamere, Cheshire - plus his luxury villa in Spain, £26,000 cash found at the house, his Porsche sports car, his horses, his quad bikes and luxury jewellery."
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