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Two partygoers in a coma in Murcia hospitals after mixing liquid ecstasy with alcohol

They became unconscious at a private party in Cabezo de Torres on Sunday

Two people are in a coma in Intensive Care after drinking a mixture of liquid ecstasy and alcohol at a private party in Cabezo de Torres on Sunday.

The 25 year old man and the 30 year old woman are under treatment at separate hospitals in Murcia City, where it’s understood from Europa Press that, while both still in a coma on Monday, their condition is progressing well.

Emergency services were called out to a private address in Cabezo de Torres shortly before 3pm on Sunday with a report that several people had become unconscious after drinking the mixture of alcohol and ecstasy.

A third person, a man in his thirties, was also admitted to hospital, but is reported to be less seriously ill.


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