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Costa del Crime

Police in Marbella have arrested seven members of a gang who carried out violent robberies on homes along the Costa del Sol and often involving sexual abuse.

Police in Marbella have arrested seven members of a gang who carried out violent robberies on homes along the Costa del Sol and often involving sexual abuse.

The detainees, Spanish and Georgian nationals, have been sent to prison without the possibility of bail.

An investigation began in September 2010 following a robbery at a home in Marbella, two men breaking into the home while the occupants were sleeping. The man was beaten and his wife was sexually assaulted during the robbery.

The gang were apparently very well organised, each with different tasks to perform. Two were responsible for casing the properties to ascertain the best time to carry out the robbery, two or three would carry out the robbery, another was responsible for being a lookout and ensuring they could make a quick getaway and one group took care of the loot once it had been snatched.

Police raids led to the discovery of cash, electronic items and various other proceeds from robberies within the area. Imitation firearms, used during the robberies, were also seized.

The investigation is ongoing and further arrests or more burglaries being attributed to the gang are not being ruled out.:Text may be subject to copyright.This blog does not claim copyright to any such text. Copyright remains with the original copyright holder.

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