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Spanish Civil Guard arrest gang of highway robbers

Spanish Civil Guard arrest gang of highway robbers: "The Civil Guard have arrested a gang of highway robbers who stole cargo from lorries as the vehicles were travelling by night at speed along Spain’s roads.

They were so practiced in their method, that the driver often had no idea that the robbery was taking place.

The gang’s modus operandi after selecting their target was for one or two of their vehicles to drive in front of the target to force the lorry driver to reduce speed. Another would approach from behind, with its headlights off to avoid detection, from where a gang member would jump from the moving car onto the rear doors of the lorry, grabbing hold of the locking bars on the door.

Once inside, he would contact his colleagues by mobile phone to say he was ready to unload, and throw out the cargo to the other gang members in the car behind."

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